
Alnwick Harriers U15 girls at Wrekenton.Alnwick Harriers U15 girls at Wrekenton.
Alnwick Harriers U15 girls at Wrekenton. | User (UGC)
The Alnwick Harrier Juniors got off to an excellent start for the first cross country race of the season at Wrekenton.

The U13 boys finished with an excellent second place team position. Harris Hall was first home for the club over the 3km course in sixth place, Jack Price eighth and Harry Knox was third scoring counter in ninth. Cooper Wilde was the fourth member in 34th.

Millie Breese ran an excellent race in the U15 category. Running from the handicapped fast pack and starting 1 min 40s later than the main group Millie was fastest runner of the day finishing 13th overall. Lauren Brown & Hannah Johnston also running from the fast pack finished well in 28th & 29th positions. The girls finished a very respectable sixth overall team, a good achievement so early in the season.

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Finlay Wilde and Finlay Telfer were the only U15 boy runners finishing 31st and 49th in a large field of runners.

The U11 girls were lead home by Bex Heeley and Oliver Knight was first boy for Alnwick. The U13 girls finished 16th with fast pack runners Lilia Purvis and Chloe Givens in 55th & 56th place. Eleanor Heeley was third team counter in 63rd.

It was great to see Anna McQueen representing the U17 girls finishing 35th in the 5km race. The boys were well represented with James Carragher first home for Alnwick in 23rd then fast pack runners Ollie Telfer and Ben Murray John in 26th and 27th. The boys finished 6th overall.

Women’s results from Wrekenton were: 28 Jo Go 28.34; 115 Karen Kelly 30.50; 123 Mel Steer 30.56; 128 Diana Weightman 30.58; 192 Jo Powell 32.15; 196 Sarah Syers 32.20; 199 Emma Givens 32.22; 239 Fran Wilde 33.00; 283 Caro Fentiman 33.55; 374 Rachel Heeley 36.07; 434 Linda Patterson 39.13.

The women’s team finished fifth in Division Two.

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Men’s results: 31 David Milne 36:45; 89 Ian Simon 38:35; 93 Steve Carragher 38:40; 118 Ross Wilson 39:12; 150 Dave Richardson 39:48; 166 Mike Telfer 39:58; 174 Graham Syers 40:10; 207 Bruce Crombie 40:42; 47 Adam Fletcher 41:15; 256 Graham Simpson 41:27; 494 Tony Jackson 47:02; 615 Paul Dellbridge 52:29.

The men’s team finished sixth in Division Two.