Majority of Northumberland Gazette readers support a call for a new General Election

Boris Johnson
(Photo by Ian Forsyth/Getty Images)Boris Johnson
(Photo by Ian Forsyth/Getty Images)
Boris Johnson (Photo by Ian Forsyth/Getty Images) | Getty Images
The majority of readers who voted in our poll answered in favour of supporting a new General Election and this is why.

The poll results came after Boris Johnson's snap general election plan had been roundly rejected, after his attempt to keep a no-deal Brexit suffered a major blow.

The Prime Minister wants to hold the election on Tuesday, October 15, but failed on Wednesday, September 4 to get the Commons majority required.

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In a Facebook poll, we asked you: “Would you like to see a new General Election called?”

Around 1,400 readers took part in the online poll, with almost over 800 answering yes.

Many of you got in touch in the Facebook comments to share your views on this matter.

Martina Branke said: “It's about time to stop the Brexit disaster.”

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John Little replied: “In order to get the Brexit that we voted for.”

Phil Hopper said: “Soon, yes. Once No Deal is off the table.”

Not everyone is all for the new vote though.

Denise Mackay claims she “wouldn’t have a clue who to vote for.”

David Cockburn commented: “Need a second referendum and then follow through on that. Options should be No Deal, Deal and Remain.”

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Bob Brown said: “Regardless of stay or go, a democratic vote has been ignored. What will be ignored next? Be careful where we go with this. I for one will never vote again. It’s the last bit of power I have been left with.”

Pauline Nelson said: “What’s the point?”

Some readers are tired of waiting.

Vivienne Redshaw replied: “If we have an election will we have to wait three years for the new party to take over? I think not, so why have we waited this long for this vote to be implemented, and still waiting. “If a government gets elected that I have not voted for, I have to accept that it is what the people want and get on with it, so why did that not happen three years ago.”

These results to our poll were reported at 9pm on Thursday, September 5.